Additional funds allocated for properties adjoining the Ennis public realm works on Parnell Street
Ennis Municipal District Councillors today agreed to allocate a further €8,000 from their general municipal allocation (GMA) towards the painting, gutter cleaning and repair scheme, to properties which connect to the Ennis public realm works on Parnell Street.

This additional allocation, in conjunction with the €10,000 available for the Ennis Municipal District area under the Community Support Scheme (Town/Village Paint works), will be ring-fenced for this initiative in support of the Councillors’ commitment to the Ennis Public Realm works and the enhancement of the streetscape.
The distribution of the additional funds will be as follows; €300 towards the painting of the property and €100 for gutter cleaning. The Ennis Municipal District would like to take this opportunity to remind all property owners of their obligations under Section 70 of the Roads Act 1993; the owner or occupier of any structure and the owner or occupier of any land on which a structure is situated shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the structure or the use of the structure is not a hazard or potential hazard to persons using a public road and that it does not obstruct or interfere with the safe use of a public road or the maintenance of a public road.
The Mayor of Ennis Municipal District, Cllr. Ann Norton welcomed the decision of all Councillors adding that “Parnell Street has been transformed and it is only fitting that property owners be given the opportunity to clean and restore the outward appearance of these buildings”. Carmel Kirby, Director of Service commended “property owners for their patience during the upgrade works and I am looking forward to seeing Parnell Street buildings getting the makeover they require”.
Further details on the application form and guidelines for this initiative will be made available next week on the Council’s website.
Page last reviewed: 14/06/21
Content managed by: Ennis Municipal District
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